The Allentown Art Festival is just days away. This is my very first Art Festival as an artist and not a patron. To say I am anxious is an understatement! The is a Buffalo, New York staple. It not only rings in the start of festival season (in Buffalo we have MANY) but it’s almost surreal to be participating as an artist!
My grandma and grandpa used to take me every year, not because they wanted to walk through the crowds in the sweltering heat or even because they were art lovers, they took me because they knew how much I loved it! They were the absolute best so I feel especially sentimental that this is my first show as an exhibitor.
My grandparents were my first paying customers, I was 17 and they asked me to paint a picture for a beautiful antique oval frame that they had. I painted a farm scene with geese and they loved it. He insisted on paying me $30 and I didn’t want to take it, but my grandpa was insistent and there was no arguing with him. They were always so supportive and loving. My grandma has been gone 29 years and my grandpa left us 12 years ago. I think of them often and am so grateful for them. I’m especially thrilled that my cousin, Renee is coming from out of town to support me. We have so many fond memories of our grandparents, and I’m sure we will relive them this weekend.

So, as I embark on this new chapter in my life, I will make the most of this experience and hope they are proud of me for taking this leap, and proud of themselves for being the absolute best grandparents!
Wish me luck!