Long time, no update…

It’s been an interesting few months since my last update. I was diagnosed with stage 2 colon cancer. I had no symptoms, it was a routine (overdue) colonoscopy that found it. I am one of the lucky ones, the tumor was surgically removed an although it was close to metastasizing it didn’t and I won’t even need chemo.

I had no desire to paint and it bothered me. Luckily I packed some art supplies for my stay at Roswell when I had surgery and I painted bookmarks for my awesome nurses and nursing assistants. It was actually pretty fun, they were giving me requests. Bookmarks and cards are quick and I don’t need to fuss and its helping to distract me while I am home healing. (I am not good at sitting around)

With so much up in the air, I wasn’t sure what the year ahead was going to be like for me, but thankfully, I found out before some of the deadlines for art shows. Unfortunately, I missed the Allentown deadline, but there is always next year. I was confirmed at East Aurora and Clothesline in Rochester, the only other art festival I am waiting on is Lewiston and since I was there last year, I’m hoping it’s a done deal.

I had the bright idea of painting ALL of my bookmarks and cards for upcoming art shows to minimize the chaos of creating to have enough for each show. I has been almost as good as therapy.